Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Definition of Art

Art is a way of expressing one's opinion in a unique and expressing way. It is solely subjective yet there is a standard that it must meet. No one in the world can define this standard, but it has to do with cultures. Each culture and time period in history has a different meaning of art that is subjective. Whatever a culture or time period defines as art, is art. The purpose of art is to represent an idea or time period through emotion. Art is based on the opinions of society. This can be seen today because art is different today than it was back in China around 1000 B.C. (give or take a century or two). They used to think of ways to torture people without leaving marks and that was considered art. Today we would consider that cruel and unusual punishment, not art.
Some people consider everything art because it is the work of God, yet this is not true. Art is subjective so you can say anything and everything is art but that does not make it art. Art cannot just be a person throwing some keys on a stool and saying it is art because of the experience they went through coming up with it. Art needs to be something more, with higher level thinking. What is art really? It is a way of expressing yourself that attracts the attention of others. To be art, it needs higher level thinking to make it attract people's attention. No one, in their right mind, is going to want to buy your stool with some keys on it to put in their house as art.They might want your keys or the stool, but they are not going to claim it as art. Then again society and culture might be at a time in history, where that is art, so according to my definition it could be art.
The big overall definition of art then is something that appeals to your emotions, while displaying the current values of society.

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